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Together Model Management是一家从事于专业深度的亚洲模特经纪,坐落于中国 杭州、上海、广州、深圳,业务遍布全中国以及全球。国际业务范围是为一线国际时尚 杂志、服装画册与国际时装发布会等活动提供专业的模特经纪服务与合作,也致力于把 国内优秀的模特输送到米兰、巴黎、纽约、伦敦等国际市场与各个时尚行业范围领域。 国内业务专注于以江浙沪和广深为中心辐射全国各个重点市场的运作,致力开发同时向国内客户提供全面、专业、且值得信赖的服务合作环境。
公司团队均为业内资深经纪人,客户遍及全国并保持与各大品牌长 期稳定的直接合作关系。能够精准快速为每一位模特找到适合的客 户与品牌,我们专业的团队会根据每位模特自身的特点制定出适合 模特自身职业发展的规划使其能在最短的时间内让其发挥出自身价 值最大化。
我们拥有一批专业的摄影,包装以及后期团队,只要你适合我们, 我们会有一套完整的培训,包装,摄影等专业的同事,为每一位新人量身定制模特新人成长规划。
ULM星探团凭借多年的模特发掘经验,可以在茫茫人群之中发现 有潜力的你。相信专业眼光,助力彼此成长。
About me
Together Model Management is a boutique Asian model agency based in Hangzhou, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen in China. We are connecting our talents with recognized fashion magazines, commercial and international fashion show, meanwhile we are dedicated to place models to international fashion market such as Milan, Paris, London, New York etc.. Focusing on the key market, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen as the center, We brightens the whole vital market in domestic, committed to developing and providing domestic clients with a comprehensive, professional and trustworthy service cooperation attitude.
As well as stable and mature business home and aboard, Tog Model also constantly cultivates and explores potential talents, offers models to a high-quality development platform, and helps Chinese models stand out in global market.
Experienced Team
Tog Management boasts of having a great team of professional agents with clients all over the country maintaining long – term direct cooperation with leading brand. Thanks to our ongoing cooperation, we find suitable customers and brands for each model accurately and quickly. Our professional team will work out a career development plan suitable for each model according to their own characteristics, so that they can maximize own value in the shortest time.
Professional Polishing
With a professional team of photography, polishing and production, we build their image through personalized management and accompany them throughout their careers with dedication and individual attention.
Penetrating Insight
With years of experience in model discovery, Tog scout team will find the most promising new faces, keeping leading every new face into the modeling field.
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